Description of the function of distributing incoming requests among managers

There are two options for distributing incoming requests among managers:

  1. Random : New requests will be created for managers in a random order, regardless of the number of active deals each manager has.

  2. Uniform : New requests will be evenly distributed among all managers.

    Example of an even distribution strategy: Let's assume there are three managers (with the number of their active deals specified): Petrov (0), Ivanov (0), and Sidorov (0).

    A new request appears: Petrov (1), Ivanov (0), and Sidorov (0). Then the next request will be created as follows: Petrov (1), Ivanov (1), and Sidorov (0). Next: Petrov (1), Ivanov (1), and Sidorov (1), and so on

The function is available on the Pro plan

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