Lead and Deal Creation

If you initiate a conversation with a new contact via WhatsApp using your phone and the contact does not already exist in Pipedrive, a lead or deal will be automatically created based on your selected settings. This ensures that no new communication is missed and facilitates seamless integration into your CRM system. The lead generation and deal creation feature is available on the Pro plan and above


With the latest update to the WhatsApp widget integration in Pipedrive CRM, you can now automatically create leads or deals when a new client contacts you. This simplifies the process of managing inquiries, allows you to set up deal stages for deals, and automatically assigns responsible managers. In this article, you'll learn how to configure and use the new functionality.

Connection Settings:

  1. Pipeline Selection (for Deals Only):

  • In the widget connection settings, you can select the pipeline where the deal will be placed. The pipeline defines the sequence of steps that the deal will go through.

Note: For leads in Pipedrive, pipelines and stages do not apply, as all leads are created in one place within the "Leads" section of the CRM. If you choose to create a lead, the option to select a pipeline or stage will be unavailable. However, you can assign a responsible manager (owner) for the lead.

  1. Deal Stage Selection (for Deals Only):

  • After selecting the pipeline, you can specify the stage at which the deal will be created. This is useful if you want to control the entry point for new inquiries in the pipeline.

  1. Responsible Manager:

  • You also have the option to select the manager responsible for the created leads or deals. This helps distribute the workload evenly among team members or assign specific clients to certain managers.

  1. Deal Distribution Strategy:

  • You can choose the strategy for distributing deals among managers. For example, "Uniform" (even distribution) or other available options. Read more how it works.

  1. Create Deals if There Are Closed or Successfully Completed Ones: You can configure whether to create a new deal if the contact has a previously closed or successfully completed deal.

  • If the setting is enabled: A new deal will be created when the contact reaches out again, regardless of any closed deals.

  • If the setting is disabled: No new deal will be created if there are closed deals associated with the contact. This can be useful if you want to avoid duplicating efforts or reopening completed business.

How to Configure:

  1. Go to the settings of the WhatsApp widget in Pipedrive CRM.

  2. On the desired channel, press the 'Сhange settings' button.

  3. If creating deals, select the pipeline and stage where the deals should be created.

  4. If creating leads, skip the pipeline/stage selection and proceed to assign the responsible manager.

  5. Set the deal distribution strategy.


The integration of WhatsApp with Pipedrive CRM opens up new opportunities for managing communications with clients. Thanks to the new features for automatic lead and deal creation, you can optimize your team's workflow and improve productivity.

Last updated